PECCCO Programme for Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care in Kenya


Delays in treatment of acute illnesses and injuries can lead to increased morbidity and mortality, especially in low and middle-income countries with a chronic lack of infrastructure and personnel for emergency medicine and critical care. The PECCCO Programme was established in Kenya in 2014 to address this issue and has since graduated 14 Clinical Officers.

Programme Overview

The PECCCO Programme is designed for Clinical Officers and is approved by the Clinical Officers’ Council as a higher diploma. The programme runs for 24 months, including a 6-month mentorship period, and includes lectures, simulations, practicals, and exams based on evidence-based practices. Trainees gain clinical experience in various areas, including the ED, PICU, NICU, Paediatric Ward, and Paediatric Clinics.

Spiritual Component

As part of the programme, trainees undergo a course called KAIROS, which is a foundational course on world Christian mission. This course helps trainees integrate their Christian faith with the practice of medicine.

Graduate Roles and Functions

Graduates of the programme are prepared to work as primary caregivers in emergency departments and critical care areas of hospitals, including paediatric and neonatal intensive care units/high acuity directed units. They are also equipped to teach and supervise other clinicians in advanced life support and lead and participate in rapid response teams for critically unwell patients, including resuscitation.

Programme Director
Bob K Okeyo