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Dr. Peris Kiarie

Principal KCHS

Dr. Peris Kiarie has been serving as the principal of Kijabe College of Health Sciences since 2013. Holding a Master's Degree in Health Systems Management and Leadership, along with a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Vanderbilt University in the USA, Dr. Peris brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role.

From the Principal:

At KCHS, we recognize the significance of holistic training, and our programs are meticulously designed to cultivate highly skilled individuals. Our goal is to empower our students with the knowledge, skills, and compassion necessary to become leaders in the healthcare sector. We take pride in instilling the spirit and culture of Kijabe Hospital, fostering a sense of commitment to compassionate service. In addition to our unwavering commitment to academic excellence, our institution is dedicated to creating a conducive atmosphere that nurtures the growth and development of aspiring healthcare professionals.

As you embark on your educational journey with us, you will find that KCHS is not just an institution; it's a community that values collaboration, innovation, and a shared dedication to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities. I invite you to explore the enriching opportunities that await you at Kijabe College of Health Sciences where health care training is offered to Gods Glory. Thank you.

Dr. Peris Kiarie, BScN/MSN/DNP.